Vacation Every Weekend!

What else can you do with your airplane? The SERIOUS flyer has a plan that includes business AND pleasure! With proper planning, you’ll purchase the airplane that will do both for you.So how do people use their airplanes?THEY FLY TO THEIR SUMMER HOMES UP NORTHMany people spend 3-5 hours on Friday driving to their summer “get-away” and then turn around and do it again on Sunday! Sure, the drive is worth it when you can enjoy your “up-north” retreat, but imagine how much easier it would be if you flew up in 1 hour. They include:1. Leaving the family up north and commuting to the cabin mid-week.2. Being able to fly home for a Saturday soccer game with one of the kids and get back to the cabin.3. Using the cabin every weekend of the summer even if you have a conflict on just one day. The whole weekend is not shot.4. 5 extra hours each weekend to relax at your retreat accumulate to 50 hours over a 10 week summer. That’s a full work week!THEY FLY SOUTH IN THE WINTERMost of us from the Midwest either have a winter place in the south, vacation to the south, or hope to own a place in the south someday. Your airplane will get you down there in about the same time as the airlines with their layovers and security checks.With your own airplane, your “once a year” trip could become two or even three times to the south! Winter becomes tolerable and even enjoyable!Don’t have your own place in the south yet? Perhaps you’re visiting parents and grandparents in their southern home. What a great way to stay in touch!VACATION EVERY WEEK OF THE YEARYour airplane will give you the capability to travel every week of the year and visit places that you never would have! For some great ideas and destination planning tools and information more great ways to use your airplane, visit: op_ten_ways_to_justify_an_aircraft_purchase.htmLink: